Not new, but noteworthy and entertaining!
Category: Noteworthy
IBM “smarter” billboards
I love the idea of billboards doubling up as seats, shelters and ramps…
Font created for Rio 2016 Olympics
The essence of passion and transformation is reflected in this font designed specially for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games…
Fresh Nike T-shirt designs
These typographic T-shirt designs by Mats Ottdal may just change my mind about Nike…
Calligraphic inspiration and upside down Ns
Two calligraphy blogs to inspire your hand lettering and the strange phenomenon of the upside down N…
Fast Company’s fantastic new fonts
In September 2011 Fast Company introduced three new typefaces to their print publication. Kaiser, Zizou Sans and Zizou Slab were all commissioned as part of a design overhaul.
Modern hand lettering of India
Two interesting type-related snippets came across my desk this week, both from India: hand drawn movie posters from Bangalore and digital fonts created from the lettering of street painters in Delhi…
Friday find: Nice Type videos
Look, a channel on Vimeo dedicated to typographic videos! And did you know there are such things as pre-animated typefaces? I learn something new every day…
Cool title screens: The Master Cleanse
Some clever title screen lettering by Erik Marinovich perfectly captures the mood of this short film.
Nice site: Cast Iron Design Company
Cast Iron Design Company has not forgotten the reason we designers got all excited about the prospect of web fonts in the first place: the ability to use real fonts for typographic design instead of replacing text with images…