Let’s face it, there is no shortage of fonts in the world, in fact there is an oversupply! Every time you have to choose a font for a new project, it ends up being a losing battle against your font library groaning under the mass you have collected over the years. I have heard many a seasoned designer advise to stick to the handful of tried and trusted classics (and that certainly is a safe route to follow), but safety often inhibits innovation.
The fact is that many of the free fonts so readily available online lack in quality, and the professional foundries tend to charge an arm and a leg. To help you find hidden gems, Zürich based designer Philipp Herrmann has started a collection titled Out of the Dark (fontseek.info).
In his own words:
Great type design remains hidden in the jungle if it isn’t promoted by a type foundry. Fontseek features these hidden treasures.
Below are a few samples, my favourite has to be Hammer Bold! Visit fontseek.info where each specimen links to the particular designer’s site for information on how to acquire the font.
Via: Taxi