I love it, and no doubt you have seen it many times before. This “Get Out There” logo is always popping up on design and inspiration sites, but always without attribution. I decided to fix that. It took a little digging around on the old Google machine, but I finally found the man responsible…
Ladies and gentlemen, David Sackville from Brisbane, Australia!
In his own words:
A brand concept I worked on for Get Out There but unfortunately was never incorporated. I’m quite proud of it as it was drawn completely in vector without any physical drawing. This is because I suffer from a rare but harmless condition which causes my hands to shake uncontrollably at times, meaning that a mouse suits me far better than a pen. It then went on to become quite a favourite on well visited sites such as Dropular & FFFFound after I posted it online.
See more of David’s work on his website and his Cargo portfolio.
Is pretty cool!