1. Calligraphica
If you’re into hand lettering and particularly calligraphy, there’s a new Tumblr you might like. It’s called calligraphi.ca. Go and take a look, in most cases the materials used are documented below the picture which makes it quite useful.
2. Calligraffiti
In the same vein, another blog of interest is Calligraffiti.nl documenting the work of Amsterdam based Niels Shoe Meulman.
3. Upside down N
And lastly something quirky: Meulman (mentioned above) has been documenting the incorrect use of serif Ns in signage around the world. In his own words:
From an early age on, I’ve noticed signs where an N with serif is placed upside down. This awareness is the first thing that triggered me to become a graphic artist.
To spot upside down N’s you must travel. Upside down serif N’s are everywhere. And nowhere.
For more examples of this phenomenon, check out upsidedownn.com, you are even invited to submit your own finds.