Random type #001

Just a couple of bits and pieces I found, thrown together into one post.

1. 20000 Leagues Under the Sea opening titles

A university project by Ivan Maximov made with Canon 5D Mark II and Adobe After Effects.

2. Stationery for Frank’s Moments & Drinks

Frank’s Moments & Drinks

Frank’s Moments & Drinks

Designed by EstudioFbdi in Buenos Aires. Via: Lovely Stationery.

3. Kinfolk Bicycle Co.

Kinfolk Bicycle Co.

Love this little detail on Kinfolk’s handcrafted frames!

By Typedeck

Typedeck started out as a collection of hand-picked creative news, resources and inspiration on the night of 5 June 2011.


  1. i absolutely love the opening titles! (at some stage, at James Mason, the design reminds me alot of your wedding theme! )
    oh, i took a photo of a shops name in Mallorca, and thought of you, will post it soon on fb, to show you.. also has the compas, sea, ship, treasure-like feel!

    an wow, the Franks business cards! i really like the off-centredness… does one call that something specific? i like the feeling of it..like a box of these cards got lost somewhere, and were discovered years later?!

    1. Post that picture on Facebook, I’d love to see. As for the Frank’s card, I would just say the logo has been “cropped”?

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