Hey, remember when Jack Black and Mos Def sweded VHS movies in Be Kind Rewind (2008)? Well, swissted, an ongoing project by NYC based designer Mike Joyce, is kind of like that…
Only, instead of recreating feature films in a low-fi fashion, he recreates punk rock gig flyers as Swiss style posters. So basically he is taking the punk out of punk, and what could possibly be more punk than that! Odd, but brilliant. (As a loyal supporter of both punk rock and typography, this is right up my alley.)
The number of flyers Mike has swissted is nothing short of astounding – at the time of writing this there are over 200 examples in the gallery! Of course he also has some rules: all posters are 35.5 inches wide by 50 inches high, all set in berthold akzidenz grotesk medium, all lowercase and all the shows actually happened.
Here are but a few examples:
Just wondering how much he actually transformed the flyers by ‘swissting’ them? Only colour-wise? Total re-design – presuming he only kept the wording?? Mmmm… quite a project then!
Good question… I presume only the text info has been retained. It would be very interesting if you could compare each redesign to the original. Maybe Mike can incorporate that into a future version of the collection?