These lovely art book covers were designed in 2007 by Barcelona based Klas Ernflo. Unfortunately they were rejected by the publisher…
Diet Coke launches bold new can design
I know I’m quite late to the party on this one, but it’s still noteworthy when a global brand like Diet Coke takes design risks. Launched this month, apparently this can is a limited edition. Does that perhaps imply that Coca-Cola is not completely confident in the new design? I’m willing to bet that these… Continue reading Diet Coke launches bold new can design
Win this awesome graphic design book
Graphic Design, Referenced is a visual and informational guide to the most commonly referenced terms, historical moments, landmark projects, and influential practitioners in the field of graphic design. Here’s how to win a copy…
Random type #001
Just a couple of bits and pieces I found, thrown together into one post.
Rad poster: I never finish anythi
Now here’s a poster I can relate to much more than pretending I know how to keep calm and carry on!
Sex, prison and lost ligatures: The story of Avant Garde
I needed to clear this up for myself, the truth behind this great and mysterious typeface we know as Avant Garde. So for the benefit of those interested, here is the story…
The humble sales receipt redesigned
Why are till slips so boring? Berg London rethinks the potential of this common, yet overlooked item.
Friday find: Flight thru Instruments, 1945
How awesome is this rare military flight manual from 1945? That front cover couldn’t be more perfect. An excerpt from the foreword: The pilot who cannot fly through instruments, therefore, consigns himself and his plane to a part time job and places both in the premodern era where usefulness was limited by the amount of… Continue reading Friday find: Flight thru Instruments, 1945
Wish list: Explorations in Typography / Mastering the Art of Fine Typesetting
This beautiful typographic reference book with its yellow gilded edges looks like an absolute must-have.
Font treasures from out of the dark
Let’s face it, there is no shortage of fonts in the world, in fact there is an oversupply! To help you find hidden gems, Zürich based designer Philipp Herrmann has started a collection…