I remember watching this unusual (for him) Will Ferrell film back in 2006 and being spellbound by the title sequence. If you enjoy the combination of movies and nice typography, there is little doubt that you would have checked out Art of the Title – a compendium and leading web resource of film and television… Continue reading Stranger Than Fiction title sequence
Dutch design legend Wim Crouwel
He started out as a painter, but got hooked on typography instead. Let’s take a look at the fantastic grid-based typographic works of living design icon Wim Crouwel.
Cool interactive kerning game
This is the perfect form of procrastination. Not only will you be putting off that important thing you need to do, you will be sharpening up on your typographic skills at the same time!
Friday find: Architecture in Helsinki poster
Great gig poster designed by Curtis Lynn Jinkins from Austin, Texas. What I enjoy most about it is the interesting balance…
The beautiful calligraphy of Luca Barcellona
I just read the interview with Milan based designer Luca Barcellona in the debut issue of Codex (the cover of which features his work) and I am inspired by his philosophies and dedicated approach…
The curious case of the missing canvas: How typographic scale will save design
For the last few days I have really been trying to wrap my brain around the concepts of scale and ratio in design and specifically typography. The intention of this post is to continue the conversation on these topics…
Video game title screens from the good old days
Title Scream hosts a very impressive collection of 16- and 8-bit game graphics. A nostalgic little trip down memory lane for some, an education for the rest!
Striking event branding by Your Friends
Oslo based agency Your Friends designed this identity and promotional material in 2009 for the Norwegian design seminar Edit.
Friday find: Get Out There by David Sackville
I love it, and no doubt you have seen it many times before. This “Get Out There” logo is always popping up on design and inspiration sites, but always without attribution. I decided to fix that…
Air tickets reimagined as an app
Sometimes we need to cross the boundaries set by a particular medium or technology in order to challenge the status quo of design.